Family Holidays: a Rewarding Adventure for All


At Little Guest, we believe that family holidays are more than just a luxury: they’re a fundamental right! That’s why we support the « Je pars, Tu pars, Il part » foundation, which since 2014 has enabled over 1,000 families to experience unforgettable summers. Their mission? To facilitate access to leisure activities and holidays by federating individual energies. The foundation operates solely thanks to the support and commitment of each individual, who make it possible to turn dreams into reality. « Together, let’s contribute to holidays for all ».

But why are these family getaways so crucial? Imagine the smiles on your children’s faces when they discover a world beyond their everyday lives. And don’t you parents need that refreshing break?

At Little Guest, our Travel Designers are true experts in creating memories. Whether you’re dreaming of a beach paradise or a mountain adventure, we’ve got the perfect destination that will make the whole family’s eyes sparkle.

And that’s not all! With every booking, we donate €2 to the KickCancer charity, whose mission is to help cure children with cancer by funding research and improving existing treatments.

So, are you ready to discover why family holidays are so essential? Let’s explore together how these precious moments can transform your life, create stronger family bonds and offer your children experiences that will enrich them forever. After all, the most beautiful memories are often created far from routine, in these moments of shared happiness.

Is there no such thing as a world where stress melts away like snow in the sun? Then you’re not fully aware of the effect that family holidays have on each of you, parents and children alike.

Do you feel the pressure of work weighing on your shoulders? Well, your little ones need a break too. Yes, even if they don’t say it, they feel the tension that you bring home every evening. That’s why a break from the daily grind is essential for the whole family.

At Little Guest, we believe that even a short break of 2-3 days in the countryside can work wonders. Getting away from it all means opening your eyes to the world.

And if you choose to go abroad? It’s a fascinating adventure: a new language, a fascinating culture, a different environment…

You may think that travelling with children is expensive? Think again! Younger children often benefit from reduced rates, or even free travel for certain services. The result? Travelling as a family can be cheaper than between adults. In our carefully selected collection of hotels, there are many advantages for families. Make the most of them!

It’s also the ideal time to disconnect from the screens and fully savour the moment. After all, an electronic game is quickly forgotten, while a day’s holiday creates memories for life!


And the fun starts at the preparation stage. When you book with Little Guest, a departure gift arrives straight to your door. The Dream2Go by Samsonite children’s suitcase, for example, makes packing fun and exciting. It’s the perfect opportunity to get your little ones involved in planning the trip. Let them draw up their own packing list – it’s a great way to develop their sense of responsibility. Of course, you can always check discreetly, but they’ll be delighted to choose their holiday essentials.

But what hidden treasures can you expect to discover on a holiday away from your family cocoon? Let us reveal the wonders that family holidays have to offer!

First of all, it’s the perfect opportunity to teach your children how to adapt to any situation with grace and good humour. Just imagine: you’ve planned a hike, but the sky is playing tricks on you and it’s pouring down rain. Don’t panic! This is the perfect time to turn your living room into an improvised games room. A good board game, a few laughs, and a rainy day is transformed into bright memories. Or maybe you’d planned a movie night, but the dinner conversation dragged on? That’s just as well! That’s the magic of family holidays: you adapt, you improvise, and often those unexpected moments become the most precious.

And what about meeting new people? In most of our dream destinations, the kids’ clubs are a real paradise for children. While you’re lounging by the pool or relaxing in the spa, your little explorers are having fun with friends from all over the world. It’s a golden opportunity for them to develop their interpersonal skills, away from the usual school environment. They forge friendships based on play, discovery and sharing, and develop the social skills that are essential for their personal development. And who knows? Perhaps you’ll also meet other parents, making your stay an enriching experience for all.

But at the heart of this holiday is the opportunity to renew family bonds. The quality of the time spent together far outweighs the quantity. It’s not so much being in the same room that counts, but what you create together. Imagine concocting a feast together, sharing a laugh over a game of beach volleyball, or simply chatting under the stars, far from the worries of everyday life. Each of these moments is a precious stone in the mosaic of your family memories.

By breaking the routine, you give each other the chance to rediscover each other. Children, with their fresh, unfiltered view of the world, can teach us so much! Admittedly, their incessant questions can sometimes seem exhausting, but aren’t they really an invitation to rediscover the world with wonder? Finding the answers together then becomes an adventure, a game in which the whole family comes out winners.

At Little Guest, we’re convinced that these moments of complicity, adaptation and discovery are the real luxury of a family holiday. But on top of all that, did you know that travelling has incredible health benefits, both physical and mental?

You find yourself in an environment conducive to relaxation, where time seems to slow down. It’s the perfect time to take stock of your life, to think about what could be adjusted in your routine to achieve a better balance. And what about your children? They benefit directly from this relaxed atmosphere, seeing their parents more serene and available.

But that’s not all! This well-deserved break gives your brain a real boost. When you return, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you are, whether at work or with your children at school. That’s what we call the « return on holiday investment« !

Travelling is also an excellent opportunity to introduce your children to essential life skills. We’ve already talked about giving them a sense of responsibility by getting them involved in packing, but why stop there? Depending on their age, this trip can be the perfect time to teach them the basics of managing a budget. Turn it into an exciting game: a hunt for good deals before departure, a challenge to stick to the budget on the spot… And why not a surprise reward on their return if they achieve their objective?

At Little Guest, we do our utmost to ensure that your stay is not only relaxing, but also enriching. A family holiday is a gateway to a world of fascinating discoveries. It’s the perfect time to see, experience, observe and challenge your habits.

Imagine yourself as an everyday explorer. Every street corner becomes an opportunity to enrich your knowledge. Why not turn your stay into a fascinating living history lesson? Visit the surrounding area and immerse yourself in local stories. Who knows? Your youngest might just learn all about the next chapter you study in class!

If History isn’t on the syllabus, Geography takes over. Roll out a map of the region and make it a family game. Where exactly are you? How far have you travelled? Where’s home? It’s the perfect opportunity to introduce your children to the art of map reading, an invaluable skill for their future adventures.

In the mood for nature? A simple walk in the forest can be transformed into an educational safari. Every leaf, every branch becomes a subject for study. Is it green wood or dead wood? Does this footprint belong to a doe? Which tree did this leaf fall from? These are just some of the questions that will arouse your curiosity and enrich your family’s knowledge of the environment around you.

And why not immerse yourself in the local culture? At Little Guest, we select local partners to bring you these unforgettable moments of learning, adapted to all ages and interests. Take a traditional cooking class, try your hand at a folk dance or discover an ancient martial art. For a touch of magic, treat yourself to an evening under the stars, guided by a local expert who will reveal the secrets of the night sky.


So, are you ready to turn your next holiday into an extraordinary educational adventure?

The world is the most wonderful playground for learning, as the saying goes. Whether you’re exploring the ruins of ancient Greece, gazing up at the starry skies of the southern hemisphere, or discovering the secrets of volcanoes on a remote island, every experience is a life lesson. And don’t forget, even the countryside near you is full of treasures to discover!

Let your child’s soul be awakened by contact with your little ones. Their innocent view of the world is infectious and refreshing. Encourage their endless questions: by looking for the answers together, you’ll find yourself learning just as much as they do!

Children are like sponges, hungry for new experiences. School is important, of course, but it can’t teach everything. It’s by exploring the world for themselves that they’ll develop the confidence and skills to face life.

What about you, dear parents? In the midst of this adventure, you’ll find a precious moment of relaxation. You’ll see your children’s eyes light up with each new challenge. These magical moments will forge indelible memories that will nourish your family life for years to come.

So, are you ready to create memories that will fill you with pride? To see your family grow, learn and flourish together? At Little Guest, we believe that the greatest gift you can give your children is the world. And the greatest gift you can give yourself? Is to rediscover it through their amazed eyes.

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